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於 2016年11月29日 (二) 15:14 的修訂




The Sentients已經赢了,他们将我们的武器、我们的技术反过来对付我们自己,我们的武器越先进,輸的越慘重。战争結局已定,除非我们能找到一种新的方式击败他们。在绝望中,我们将注意力转向了Void。那足以刺瞎双眼的耀眼夜色,那令我们的一切科学和理性崩溃的地狱空间。

极端扭曲的一小部分幸存者带着他们的极端痛苦,在Void中的某些不可名状的恐怖力量的影响下活着回来,我们在他们的躯壳外部建造了装甲,一个释放他们痛苦的管道,给了它们老式武器:简单的枪和剑。一个全新的战士,全新的代碼产生了。这些被排斥者,这些“Tenno”,成了我们的救世主。这些战神向我们的敌人投下了鋼鐵與狂怒,很快The Sentients被他们难以理解的恐怖力量完全抹消了。

Excalibur 是第一個。






主條目: Category:Tenno



主條目: Lotus


某些武器利用Lotus标志来区分是独特的Lotus版本或者是Tenno的普通版,而大部分武器上Lotus的标志仅仅用于代表这把武器是Tenno制造的。 人质救援任务中的解救目标似乎是普通人类,身穿带有Lotus标志的紧身衣。我们可以推测这有可能是一些普通人,或者是唤醒后被地方控制的Tenno


主條目: Liset

The Liset是一个灵巧的运输用无人机,用于将玩家运送到任务地点或协助他们撤离。The Liset下部是一个可旋转的人形隔间,可以在部署Tenno或撤离时打开。Liset还配备了牵引光束设备用于运输重型货物,例如Formorian的能量核心。 某些玩家發現船體內部的空間似乎比從外面看起來更加寬闊,官方給出的解釋是:玩家是正確的,裡面比外面大的空間技術是由Orokin所研發。



The Tenno are mysterious in the extreme, with most details about their lives, origins, and motives unknown. Given this mystery, there is much speculation surrounding many aspects of the Tenno.

The Tenno share the last name with Hayden Tenno, the protagonist of Dark Sector. This was confirmed in Livestream 10: that Hayden is indeed the first Tenno and that most Warframes have "Hayden Tenno" transcribed in Orokin Language. His connection to the Tenno in the current time period of Warframe is unknown. The two games' settings are different, however, as Hayden is not Infected from the void in Dark Sector. It's also implied that the two games, although similar, do happen in different universes and are not directly connected by lore.

Considering that the Tenno can be kept in biostasis, require life support, can bleed, breathe, die, and that various NPCs, such as General Sargas Ruk and Lech Kril, refer to the Warframes themselves as suits, it is well established that Warframes are suits of armor, and that they contain living, organic Tenno. Lotus' in-game comment, "Other than you, I can't detect any lifeforms on the ship", which may be heard during extermination missions after all enemies are killed.

The Codex info from Excalibur Prime directly states that Tenno are individuals "twisted by the void", and that the Orokin built suits around them; those suits being prime warframes. It is still yet to be explained how the Tenno ended up with an industrially reverse-engineered warframes, as opposed of the supposed Orokin variant.

At one point during Vor's Prize, Captain Vor says, "Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno are that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light." This seems to suggest that the powers each Tenno posesses come from the Tenno themselves, rather than their Warframes, and the Warframes may simply channel or enhance those abilities. This is further corroborated by the Rhino Prime Codex which describes an out-of-suit Tenno using abilities like Iron Skin without a Warframe.

It can be assumed that the Warframes that existed during the war with the Sentients were unique - that is, that there were only single copies of each, built around a single Tenno. This is supported by the description of the Valkyr Warframe: the "original" having been experimented upon, and all subsequent Warframes being copies of that one original; thus reflecting the damage inflicted upon it. Furthermore, the Nova Warframe which was designed by the Tenno Council (as Lotus claims), the Mirage Warframe being lost "forever" upon her destruction (as revealed during the Hidden Message quest) and the parts of Limbo Warframe found all over the system after his destruction (as releaved at the end of the The Limbo Theorem quest, plus the subsequent rebuilding of the frame from blueprints suggests that aside from a few basic Warframes, all were specially designed and singular - only copied en mass by contemporary Tenno fighting against the overwhelming numbers the opposing factions posses.


  • Each Tenno behind the Warframes have official concepts and ideas to what they look like as stated by Art Director Mynki in Livestream #4 which may or may not be revealed in the future. These concepts may also be subject to change throughout development.
  • When engaging a Tenno in combat, Female Grineer (Heavy Gunners, Scorpions, and Ballistas) may sometimes say "Tenno are filth!". This appears to be a new addition to Update 9. This, along with any other statements the grineer stated in English were later removed when the grineer gained their own language.
  • The Male Grineer sometimes mutter and shout "Tenno scum!" when firing at a Tenno.
  • The Corpus seem to refer to the Tenno as "The Betrayers."
  • The moniker "Betrayers" seems to be partially explained by the Stalker's Codex entry, in which he claims that the Tenno slaughtered their masters at the Mercury Terminus in the aftermath of the Great War.
  • Possible note of worth, the Stalker refers to himself, and the others gathered around him as 'low guardians', making distinction between the low guardians and the Tenno. It is possible that the Tenno were regarded as 'high', or the highest, guardians of the Orokin. From the in-game description of the Misa Syandana Prime, we also know that there were Temple Guards as well.
  • Tenno (天皇) means in Japanese "Divine Emperor". Additionally, in the Buddhist faith, the Four Heavenly Kings (四天王, Shitennō) are four guardian deities who watch over each cardinal direction.
  • In the trailer, Alad V insulted the Tenno as "mute peasants" for humor, referring to the fact that Tenno have never been heard speaking verbally.
  • Nova's describes her existence as the result of "Tenno High Council" research, indicating that there is some sort of Tenno governing structure.
  • In the prologue added in the recent update 14, Vor states that the Ascaris is nearly attached to the Tenno's spine. This implies that Tenno are biological and possess at least some organ structures that are analogous to those present in humans.
